Více než 10 000 bezplatných šablon 2024

Zdarma ke stažení nejlepších šablon pro víceúčelové weby. Vytvářejte responzivní, plně přizpůsobitelné webové stránky pomocí nástroje pro snadné vytváření šablon drag-n-drop.

Oblíbené kategorie šablon

Vyberte si nejlepší šablony a pomocí našeho editoru vizuálních šablon přidávejte a upravujte obsah bez kódování. Design jakékoli šablony stránky vypadá skvěle na všech moderních zařízeních.

Doporučené kategorie bloků

Můžete si vybrat šablony z našich nejnovějších responzivních šablon a poté je přizpůsobit pomocí editoru šablon drag-and-drop bez kódu.

Oblíbené návrhy bloků

Seznamte se s našimi jedinečnými víceúčelovými šablonami bloků, které si ručně vybral profesionální designérský tým. Upravte design šablon bloků pomocí našeho výkonného editoru.

Funkce Šablony Text na obrázku Šablony Posuvník plné šířky Šablony O nás Šablony Kontakty Šablony Tvary Šablony Široký Šablony Rozdělit Šablony Vrstvené obrázky Šablony Přes mřížku Šablony Skupina Šablony Mřížka Šablony Galerie Šablony Dlaždice Šablony Grid Repeater Šablony Překrývající se blok Šablony Třetiny Šablony Posuvník Šablony Modální vyskakovací okno Šablony Příspěvky na blogu Šablony Seznam produktů Šablony Detaily produktu Šablony Video Šablony Posudky Šablony Značky Šablony Kontaktní formulář Šablony Čelit Šablony tým Šablony Text Šablony Text a tlačítko Šablony Ceny Šablony Stůl Šablony Akordeon Šablony Karty Šablony FAQ Šablony Sociální Šablony

15,000+ úžasných šablon roku 2024

Vyberte si z více než 15,000 šablon z portfolia, obchodu, módy, technologie, vzdělávání, blogu a dalších trendových témat. Všechny šablony plně reagují a jsou k dispozici zdarma.

Templates with Nicepage

Many people want to have an online presence besides email, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media. They need a website, personal blog, portfolio, landing pages for a store, online stores, email marketing template, a business website for a real estate agency, marketing company, etc. Most of them are afraid even to think about such things as a website, blog, web design, maps, templates, media, brand, eCommerce templates, responsive templates website, etc. People do not know how to start, what to create and tools to use, what design tools and features are best, what are best practices in general, whether they need a website builder or website design apps, have cover letters, logo or logo maker. It depends on the fact that beautiful websites require graphic design and coding made by professional web designers and web developers. Nobody thinks of a responsive website with a free design.

Engaging Customers

What do you get if you start with a template? Intuitive drag and drop editor. You can inspire your friends and surprise any community with a new website featured with professional graphic design. Browse and choose from thousands of new and popular design templates popular to fulfill any plans and resources, regardless if you need website for business, online store, product, support, social, terms, privacy, policy, pricing, contact, log, and service pages. Today, you can use a site template as a home page or dashboard engaging customers. Templates can be useful for presentation stories, press card brochures, resume covers for careers, schedule events, certificates, in general, to sell or present anything online. For example, decor artists can publish designs as photo galleries, agencies can show and plan achievements, affiliates can learn about the process, and students can provide resumes in English and other languages. There are featured templates popular for small sites about life, winter, and summer, in white and dark, to tell a story, review. All you need is text and photo content.

Responsive Templates

However, responsive website templates by Nicepage make this work easy, beautiful, and creative. Our high-quality free design templates help anyone build a professional free website without learning, education, books, teachers, and need to be students of graphic design online courses. Each template comes with media graphics, which you can later use for social media graphics, Twitter and Instagram posts, and ads. It can also be suitable for other products, like a media kit, posters, flyers, cards, postcards, business cards, gift cards, video posters, channel art, youtube thumbnails, etc. Anyone from novice users to blogging professionals of a high level can use Nicepage for their top projects and affiliate collaboration.

You can create an account and profile and access the platform's center assets, including various videos and tutorials to learn how to use Nicepage for enterprise businesses, small business and services, customize and manage ready themes, find ideas, check data and content. Suppose you have Facebook and Linkedin skills and have some experience with Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, cms, cookies, domain, and hosting, and you want to know anything like HTML, code, webinars. In that case, this information may be a good share. At that, you can pick from all feature collections, items, and perfect with year updates.

Template Categories

You can easily choose themes templates designed for various categories to create a site for an event, travel, holiday, family, health, wedding, studio, fitness, restaurant, food, Christmas, legal, industry, photography, nonprofit, consulting, and invitation. Add multiple photos, documents, visual infographics, and other digital materials, or get started from blank. All solutions are customizable. You can use stock images and other items, like logos, background, headers, even for something specific like a custom sitemap, shopping cart, greeting flyer, news, accessibility calendars, shop invitations, music charts, text, bar and chart reports, or eye-catching infographic presentations. Starting a page in the app or plugin, you have the full functionality to edit each mobile view, having it ready in minutes and saving much time.

Using free templates professionally designed with Nicepage, you get everything you need to create any modern web project in clicks for free, becoming a web designer. You do not need to have premium training, to hire pro designers, expert developer, or management teams. You can create beautiful pages based on free online templates website design templates. It's a huge step ahead of the market competition and a sign of hundreds in sale figures. Follow us on social networks and our forum or help center.

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