
  • Overview
  • Upload Files
  • Delete Files
  • Link To Phones and Emails
  • File Upload In Online Editor's Link Settings


This tutorial will teach you how to add links to files, phones, or emails from the Menu Items, Buttons, and Hyperlinks. You can add those links in the Nicepage Applications for Windows or Mac OS, WordPress Plugin, or Joomla Extension. You may also watch the video about making a Menu.

Upload Files

In Nicepage, you can add links to files, uploading them from the Link Settings dialog for the Menu Item, Button, or Hyperlink.

  1. Create a Blank Page.
  2. Add a Blank Block.
  3. Insert a Button.
  4. Click the Button to select.
  5. Click the Link Icon in the toolbar or Hyperlink property in the Property Panel.
  6. Select the File / PDF option to the right in the Link Settings dialog.
  7. Click the Upload File button.
  8. Select a file from your PC.
  9. Click Done.
  10. Preview in a browser, for example, Google Chrome.
  11. In the browser, click the Button to test the downloading.

Similarly, you can link to files from the Menu Items and Hyperlinks.

Delete Files

You can delete the uploaded file if you do not need it.

  1. Go back to the Nicepage Editor.
  2. Select the Button.
  3. Click the icon in the Toolbar to open the Link Settings dialog.
  4. Click the arrow to open the list for the File property.
  5. In the list, select the row with the file name.
  6. Go to the Bucket icon.
  7. Click the Bucket icon to delete the file.
  8. Confirm by clicking OK.

Link To Phones and Emails

Using the Nicepage Editor, you can link the Menu Items, Buttons, and Hyperlinks to phones and emails.

  1. Select the Menu
  2. Open the Menu Editor.
  3. Add a new Menu Item.
  4. Select the Email option in the right part of the Link Settings dialog.
  5. Enter "Send Email" into the Label field.
  6. Enter a valid email into the Email field.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Click Done to close the Menu Editor.
  9. Preview in a browser, for example, Google Chrome.
  10. Hover the Menu Item to test the email link.

In the same way, you can add a link to the Phone. You can do the same for the Button and Hyperlink Elements.

File Upload In Online Editor's Link Settings

You can upload a file and add a link for the Online Editor, similar to the Desktop Application.


You have learned how to:

  1. Link to Menu, Button, and Hyperlink Elements files.
  2. Delete the uploaded file.
  3. Add links to phones and emails for the Menu Items, Buttons, and Hyperlinks.

## Summary - Overview - Upload Files - Delete Files - Link To Phones and Emails - File Upload In Online Editor's Link Settings ## Overview This tutorial will teach you how to add links to files, phones, or emails from the Menu Items, Buttons, and Hyperlinks. You can add those links in the Nicepage Applications for Windows or Mac OS, WordPress Plugin, or Joomla Extension. You may also watch the video about [making a Menu](page:82280). ## <iframe width="600" height="330" src="" title="Nicepage File, Phone, And Email Links" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> ## ## Upload Files In Nicepage, you can add links to files, uploading them from the Link Settings dialog for the Menu Item, Button, or Hyperlink. 1. Create a Blank Page. 2. Add a Blank Block. 3. Insert a Button. 4. Click the Button to select. 5. Click the Link Icon in the toolbar or Hyperlink property in the Property Panel. 6. Select the File / PDF option to the right in the Link Settings dialog. 7. Click the Upload File button. 8. Select a file from your PC. 9. Click Done. 10. Preview in a browser, for example, Google Chrome. 11. In the browser, click the Button to test the downloading. Similarly, you can link to files from the Menu Items and Hyperlinks. ## Delete Files You can delete the uploaded file if you do not need it. 1. Go back to the Nicepage Editor. 2. Select the Button. 3. Click the icon in the Toolbar to open the Link Settings dialog. 4. Click the arrow to open the list for the File property. 5. In the list, select the row with the file name. 6. Go to the Bucket icon. 7. Click the Bucket icon to delete the file. 8. Confirm by clicking OK. ## Link To Phones and Emails Using the Nicepage Editor, you can link the Menu Items, Buttons, and Hyperlinks to phones and emails. 1. Select the Menu 2. Open the Menu Editor. 3. Add a new Menu Item. 4. Select the Email option in the right part of the Link Settings dialog. 5. Enter "Send Email" into the Label field. 6. Enter a valid email into the Email field. 7. Click Done. 8. Click Done to close the Menu Editor. 9. Preview in a browser, for example, Google Chrome. 10. Hover the Menu Item to test the email link. In the same way, you can add a link to the Phone. You can do the same for the Button and Hyperlink Elements. ## File Upload In Online Editor's Link Settings You can upload a file and add a link for the Online Editor, similar to the Desktop Application. !file-upload-online.png! You have learned how to: 1. Link to Menu, Button, and Hyperlink Elements files. 2. Delete the uploaded file. 3. Add links to phones and emails for the Menu Items, Buttons, and Hyperlinks. ##